100 People who deserve monuments
The project "100 People Who Deserve a Monument Better Than I Can Make, But Won’t Ever Have One Unless I Do It", begun in 2017, gives unheralded heroes and victims the recognition they deserve, and counteracts in a small way the pessimism and cynicism that poisons our society. Humanity is on a roll thanks to people like these.
Monument to the Matriarchs of Liberia, a sculpture installed at the Soapstone Baptist Church in Liberia, South Carolina
A Monument to Kurt Vonnegut celebrating his legacy and continued relevance
Dr. José Rutilio Quezada, a successful involuntary exile Fundación del “Corazón del Padre” Quezaltepeque, El Salvador November, 2019
The daughters of Lot on the threshold (4985)
Dr Simon E. Malo. An Outstanding Latin American Educational Innovator. Zamorano University, Honduras